Cat's Corner
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I’m all for change and doing things in different ways, but I love the customs of Thanksgiving and the holiday season to come.
For more than two decades, JM and I have shared Thanksgiving with a group of Holiday Orphans. Like us, their family is far away, so we celebrate together with this extended family of dear people.
![]() Everyone pitches in to share the load. One couple loves roasting turkey, mashing potatoes, and hosting (Am I not lucky!). JM and I bring a ton of sweet taties. Others contribute dessert, wine, salads, rolls, and more. One year, JM and I brought different side dishes, but everybody missed the tried-and-true favorites. Isn’t it funny how these little things that we do grow into cherished traditions? The other day at my haircut appointment, I heard customers and stylists recite their Thanksgiving menus, discussing every aspect of family gatherings with the reverence of a sacred litany. Another tradition requires a trip up to the attic. I dig out timers and extension cords to set electric candles in the windows. Their glow for the first time on Thanksgiving evening kicks off our holiday season. Then there are gifts to buy and wrap, cards to address (yep, still do snail-mail greeting cards), decorations for inside and in the garden, donations for the food drive, something for the angel tree….the list goes on. I could easily make myself go crazy trying to get everything done. ![]()
But I don’t want to be a captive of The List. I want to savor the here and now. The traditions. The spirit of giving and gratitude of the season.
Years go by too fast. It couldn’t have been that long ago that Mama and Grandma worked their magic on our mulit-course Thanksgiving feast that started around 1:00 with antipasto, followed by pasta and a full turkey dinner before ending with demitasse and dessert after dark. Or the way Paw-paw Pete captivated us at dinner with gentle stories of life during the Depression. Now all these folk are dear memories. And the endless hours of football games that some of us loved while others scratched their heads over the chaos on the couch after a touchdown.
So before the checkout lines snake out the door, I want to enjoy this gift of time that’s before me in the here and now. And just as important, I want to take a moment to thank you for keeping company with Sweet T, Fuzzy and me. It’s been a wild ride, and we are beyond grateful.
Wishing you and yours the best of your Thanksgiving and November’s final weekend. What are your favorite ways to celebrate season of gratitude? Please share in the comment section.
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Have you met my new BFF, Sherman?
He’s the dynamo of shopping carts at a busy market where he shows young readers how he helps shoppers in author/illustrator Rosie Russell's newest picture book, Sherman the Shopping Cart: a Search and Find.
About the Book
Sherman the Shopping Cart: Search and Find | Written, Illustrated by Rosie Russell | 37 pages | Nov. 2017 | Ages 5-8
Russell also weaves powerful learning elements by prompting kids to find words hidden in her illustrations based on printed vocabulary lists appearing on the pages --- perfect visual perception and vocabulary-building exercises for developing reading skills.
What Parents, Educators Will Like Activities at the back of the book, including suggestions for customizing tasks by age, extend learning to every level. New adventures in parent-child grocery trips could even await with your young reader discussing pricing, locating items, or contributing to your shopping lists. I especially appreciated Russell’s subtle messages woven throughout of pride and service as modeled by ever-industrious Sherman. It's an important work ethic to instill at an early.
My Recommendation
Rosie Russell’s Sherman the Shopping Cart: Search and Find will delight young readers with its whimsical voice, vibrant art, and interactive learning. Plus, it's just plain fun. My rating: 5 Catly Meows
Disclosure: I received an advanced review digital copy of this book and voluntarily offer my honest opinion of the tale.
Meet the Author
Rosie Russell studied Early Childhood Education and taught students in elementary and middle school for fifteen years in the Midwest.
She now writes and illustrates full time and is looking forward to sharing her books with students, encouraging them to write and illustrate their own stories. A portion of profits from Russell's books are also donated to different causes, depending on the subject of her books. Connect with Rosie on social media:
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In my head, I understand our 92-year old dad led a good life and passed peacefully from this earth in February of this year. But my heart still misses this amazing man, who loved his family and his country, even more on this Veteran’s Day.
Dad was beyond proud of his military service that began at 18 when he entered the Navy in 1942.
He achieved the rank of Quartermaster 1st class. He served on the USS Elmore – APA42, an attack troop transport - and received the Asian-Pacific Medal, the Philippine Liberation Medal, American Theater Medal, and Victory Medal. But it was during a stop in Washington that his life changed when he met our mom, who was Queen of the local USO. And that was the start of our family saga.
The Navy called Dad back to serve in the Korean Conflict in the early 1950s, so he had to leave mom and his two young children (my sister and me) and go to war again. Dad recalled that moment in a 2015 interview in The Norwalk Hour: "That was quite an experience. I had started school and was called to reenlist. I had to leave everything, say goodbye and out the door I went," he told the reporter. ![]()
Dad was consummately proud of his military service and loved his country with a passion. Aside from family, one of the proudest moments for our veteran came in 2015 with a one-day VIP Day of Honor monument tour of Washington, D.C. through the American Warrior initiative.
Accompanied by my brother, the trip was the chance of a lifetime for dad to revisit Washington landmarks and spend time with 70 other vets on the Flight who shared his wartime experiences. ![]() For as long as he was able after retiring from teaching, Dad visited schools on Veterans Day to share stories of his military service. He made history come alive for students and offered positive messages. Dad's letter below to his granddaughter and her classmates on Veteran’s Day 2002 for their family history project encapsulates his beliefs. On behalf of myself and many veteran friends -- Thank you for your welcome letter. It is an honor to be remembered by you and you classmates on this Veteran's Day -- Nov. 11, 2002. Thanks, Dad! <a bit teary-eyed here as I feel his words in my heart>
And many thanks and blessings ...
.... to all vets who served then ,,,, and to those still serving today.
Your Turn
What do you do on Veterans Day? What memories, stories do you have about your veterans? Please share in the comment section.
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Cat MichaelsBlogging about books, writing, family life, travel and more good stuff. Meet Cat