Cat's Corner
Blogging About Books, Writing, Travel, Film & More
There’s something to be said for setting aside projects, decompressing and tackling them later with fresh eyes and gray matter.
That’s what happened to me in January when I started a video preview of my fourth book, Sweet T and the Turtle Team. Using a trusty tablet video app, Irene A. Jahn’s dazzling illustrations, and snippets from my book, the first pass was okay. But it didn’t knock my socks off. I put the video aside for a while. Then tucked it away with all my writing projects for several weeks after dad’s passing this winter. I tried tweaking it again in early spring. Better, but not there yet. Something was missing, but I couldn’t put my finger on what.
Motivated by the approaching summer release date, I recently retrieved the preview from virtual mothball storage. I notched up to a faster, perkier instrumental audio. Added beach-y photos from free Creative Common sources. Whipped out my ‘big’ vid-making app, i-Movie, to tack on frills and flourishes.
Voila! It was a keeper. Ecstasy! Making videos to share with you is a labor of love, and a true L*A*B*O*R. I want them more than a ShapChat clip. Vid-creation takes time. I toil at it, though it’s getting easier with each one under my belt.
I’d be over the moon if you and your young reader will take a 60-second trip to North Carolina's Gull Island with me. Feel the summery ocean breezes and wiggle your toes in the soft sand? T will ask you to steer clear of fragile sea turtle nests that dot the beach.
![]() Please click the green button below to start your summer adventure on Gull Island with Sweet T, Jenna, Fuzzy, new Island friend Billy, and Aunt Mae. (btw....Aunt Mae is named after a real person from my tribe of readers. She follows my What’s Up monthly newsletter and won naming rights for a character in my book. Mae is pictured in the illustration above ---um, holding a pelican. Ya gotta read the book to find what that's all about!)
Cat MichaelsBlogging about books, writing, family life, travel and more good stuff. Meet Cat