Cat's Corner
Blogging About Books, Writing, Travel, Film & More
Sitting here, happy, tired and stuffed-brain, but taking a moment to share insights into my crazy-busy-hectic-happy book launch week with co-author Rosie Russell.
It's been an endurance test of stress management with an attitude of gratitude.
Stress Management Roller-Coaster
Co-writer Rosie Russell and I are over the moon that our new book for tweens, Just Between Sam and Me, debuted on 2 December at #113 in Amazon’s ranking of children’s books about bullying.
But what a journey to get there! Our tale has been 22 months in the making - delayed by my Covid-stalled muse during lockdown. Plus Rosie and I always fought tech gremlins; however, nearing our 2 December finish line, those tech gremlins attacked with a vengeance. Of course! – Our paperback was stalled in review process, so it was not available on the first day of launch. – Rosie’s Facebook account may have been hacked, and she couldn’t access important launch day posts. – The day before launch, I started working at 4.30 a.m. because my mind wouldn’t stop spinning about everything that needed to get done. – 10 minutes before a podcast interview with Jedli on Reading with Your Kids, a ginormous pressure washer truck pulled up to my neighbor’s house and started pounding out its super-water-shooting motor. I tore out of my office and raced to the closet in the back of our home. Hunkered down by Hub’s shirts in that tight space, the WIFI dropped. Sigh. I scurried back to pressure washer mania. ARGH! I stress over these things, But I know. Yep. Minor first-world problems. I remind myself to be grateful for the ability to hassle with them. Keenly aware that millions are struggling with serious issues of health, finances and social inequities. Haunted by the image of a young girl, crying and clinging to her blankie-wrapped baby doll being forcibly evicted from their home. Gut-punched as I learn of Covid deaths among family and friends just these past weeks alone. Teary-eyed by staggering numbers of Covid deaths rising. Sickened by political divisions battering our nation. Remembering these things snaps my launch anxiety into perspective right quick.
Attitude of Gratitude
Dad once made a habit of writing down all his blessings, and I Iearned that trick from him.
I will never take for granted having a roof over my head, warm place to sleep, food on the table, or ability to pay my bills on time. Nor my fab family and friends, whom I long to see in person but doing so only over ZOOM these days. My work on Sam has been rich with a co-writer, launch team, writing pals, and blogging buddies who support my authoring journey. I'd be lost without them. They raise our purr-fect tale of courage and hope for tweens and help it score fab book buzz that makes authors do the happy dance. Speaking of book buzz .... Will you kindly bear with me for a moment of shameless self-promotion as I share review snippets that have my buttons bursting?
Smiling wide here -:D! One last bit self-promotion, please? (Promise that's it for the year <wink>.) ![]() Sam, Rosie and I would be honored if you'll click below to learn more about Just Between Sam and Me and where to find a copy at your fave bookseller. btw,,,,We're running a launch sale through 10 December: ebook slashed to $.99 US paperback discounted at $7.99 US December Bookish Giveaways for Young Readers I’m teaming up with an amazing slate of 58 authors to bring you free books and chapter samples for holiday giving. Winding Down 2020
During the Reading with Your Kids podcast taping today, host Jedli asked what'd I'd be writing next. I’ve had a feel-good women’s fiction rattling around in my head for over a decade. It’s time to get it out of my brain and onto paper. But not until Just Between Sam and Me winds down. Then I’m taking off the end of December to watch the sun set over the river, write my Christmas cards, and gratefully enjoy a Covid-Safe Holiday for Two with Hub, And we'll say 'good riddance!" to 2020! I’ll crank it up again in 2021 with the next step on my writing road, whatever that is.
I hope you'll stay well
and enjoy special times to make your heart happy with your loved ones. 2021’s gonna be a better year for all of us!!
12/4/2020 01:08:55 pm
Cat, love this beautiful post.
Cat Michaels
12/4/2020 06:05:31 pm
I feel it is important to mark our occasion and from perspective of what is happening in our wild world today. The writing journey is also wild and launch is beyond crazy, but I’m glad to have you at my side through all of it-:D
12/4/2020 01:40:42 pm
Congratulations on the new book launch! I purchased a copy yesterday to leave a Confirmed Purchase Review and will have it up shortly. Trying to stay focused on anything going thru the events of this year has been a real trial of persistence and focus, indeed. Well done to have achieved your book launch goal! 🤠 🐻
Cat Michaels
12/4/2020 06:09:21 pm
Thanks so much for your kind words, James. I must figure out a way to virtual sign it to show my appreciation! The writing road is bumpy, and I am beyond grateful for your support and company -:D
12/4/2020 04:55:22 pm
Oh, I feel your stresses of a book launch! Why do things always seem to go wrong when it's most important? But SO happy for all your success. The reviews are so awesome - you and Rosie have created a powerful book together that will help kids who are suffering from bullying. As you counted your blessings, I thought about advice I have given other writers starting down the publishing path. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. In other words, don’t make your whole world about writing and publishing or you will go completely bonkers. Have a well-balanced life that includes time for your spirituality, your loved ones, and other interests. Love that you are giving similar advice in your insightful blog! Hope that the rest of your book launch is free from those nasty tech gremlins. Congrats on all your success so far with your wonderful book.
Cat Michaels
12/4/2020 06:13:43 pm
Love your advice about NOT putting all one’s writerly energy in one basket, Julie. You nailed it with your eloquent advice! I recognize many people grind away at writing when burned out, but I am most successful when I leave it and step away for awhile. I cannot do it alone and am beyond grateful for *your* support and fab advice as a first reader -:D!
12/5/2020 01:44:44 pm
I feel your frustration. Sometimes it feels like everything's going wrong. As you said, we gotta count our blessings. Congrats on your book launch and your ranking. I'm so happy for you!
Cat Michaels
12/5/2020 06:38:00 pm
TY, Auden! It IS so easy to get discouraged on the writing road and especially during a pandemic. Let’s both feel frustrated and then count our blessings together -:D
Cat Michaels
12/5/2020 07:30:41 pm
Julie, what a wonderful perspective! Spot on -:D. I envy your rose-colored glasses and am working toward getting my own pair. Hope to start the women’s fiction in the new year. Thanks for your company on the writing road!
12/6/2020 08:59:41 pm
It's certainly been a rollercoaster of emotions this year, wonderful to see you can still find gratitude in the basics of life's experiences. I do the same and am grateful for so many things this year. Book launches are hectic, exhausting and so much fun. I know I will be taking a break over December/January and you certainly deserve it too. Congrats on the fabulous reviews coming in. Hoping to do my today.
12/7/2020 11:58:41 am
You nailed book release days, Sandra - hectic, exhausting but full of joy as Rosie’s and my book makes its way to young readers. Taking a break for sure in a few weeks for the hols. It will be lonely this year, but I am grateful for health, family, friends and your company on the writing road!
12/7/2020 09:03:34 am
You must be over the moon Cat (and Rosie too). What a long, beautiful journey with thrills and spills at the very end. BIG Congrats!!! The reviews are awesome and I've just ordered a Kindle copy for a friend of mine who's daughter is struggling to fit into her new school. I know she is going to love Olivia and Sam.
Cat Michaels
12/7/2020 11:53:25 am
Michelle, I hope your young friend enjoys meeting Sam and Olivia AND feels encouraged by the way they tackle their struggles at school. TYSM for checking out our reviews and gifting a copy to a young reader, your feedback puts me over the moon for sure!
Cat Michaels
12/7/2020 11:49:43 am
Sarfa, those tech gremlins can bring you down, especially when stressed during book launching and Covid, I remind myself How lucky I am to even have internet connection these days! Wishing you good health and no tech issues -:D
12/7/2020 04:14:29 pm
Congratulations on your book launch! What a huge accomplishment in this year 2020! Off to check out Just between Sam and Me. :)
Cat Michaels
12/8/2020 05:52:00 pm
Thanks for your kind words, Libbie. It’s been a year or sure! We do our best to stay healthy and happy despite all. Grateful for readers like you, who keep me going. btw....Sam tells me he can’t wait to visit with you in Spring Hope [wink].
4/7/2021 07:38:10 pm
It's been a pleasure following each step of your journey, along with Rosie, Cat. Thanks for all that I'm learning from you ⭐️
Cat Michaels
4/7/2021 07:54:01 pm
Eiry, I appreciate *your* company on the writing road! There is so much to learn on this journey. I am beyond grateful for all I learned from you and others. Happy to have a chance to share what I picked up within this supportive community of kidlit authors.
4/8/2021 09:34:31 am
Eiry, thank you! Like, Cat said, we all learn from each other and we have learned a lot from you too!
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Cat MichaelsBlogging about books, writing, family life, travel and more good stuff. Meet Cat