Cat's Corner
Blogging About Books, Writing, Travel, Film & More
My writerly pals and I are Spring-cleaning our work space (Mercy, that was a ton of dust!) and sharing results of our labors in the Creation Station Blog Hop.
I hope you’ll find ideas, inspiration, and maybe some chuckles with a peek at my writerly nest. Did I mention there's a short video tour, too?
Would love to have you visit the awesome bloggers listed at the end of this post, who also invite you into their workspace. So, click on over. Hey, we’ll even serve y’all up some virtual sweet tea and treats while you visit and find ideas.
Creation Station
If a train station is where the train stops, what's a work station?
Welcome to my Creation Station—the place for my writerly and creative pursuits. When telecommuting in the private sector in a former life, I repurposed a small bedroom as an office. Kept it intact when I turned to blogging and writing children's books.
An L-shaped desk holding a computer, printer, and other essentials anchors my office. In addition to traditional bookcases and file cabinets, a vintage maple hutch from the 1960s serves as display and storage unit for photos, office supplies and school visit material. Love that eclectic mix of old, new, and tech. With its east-facing windows, my Creation Station is also filled with light throughout the day. Keeps me from snoozing, and plants love it. Don’t be shy! Come on in and look around. Make yourself comfy. Please start your visit with this 60-second video tour. Equipment Thank you paper clips, for being like staples that can't commit.
JM calls me an Apple Apostle. Yep. Unashamedly adore all Apple products, down to my iPad, iPhone and little Shuffle for the gym.
Did you notice the dual-screen display monitors in the video? My MacBook is connected to a huge secondary screen and Bluetooth keyboard and mouse. That makes it easy-peasy to tackle complex layout and graphic designs. Best, I have the convenience of mobility by just unplugging the laptop to take anywhere. I can’t work in a quiet space, can you? I need gentle background sound. Nothing distracting. A Bluetooth speaker fits the bill by streaming relaxing film scores without vocals...but definitely not elevator music -:D.
Coffice: a café that a customer uses as a place in which to conduct business.
Your Creation Station can be anywhere. Unless on the road, I usually don’t work at Starbuck’s. BUT I power up the laptop on a road trip or at the kitchen table, when I need a change of pace.
On my to-do list: meet a group of authors at a coffee shop for conversation and idea exchange. Join me? Play Stuff The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play. ![]()
My Creation Staton is a time capsule of happy memories. It started with Mama giving me a Star Trek action figure that morphed into a collection of playthings that bring pure joy whenever I see them.
Then there's my ‘art.’ A 6-inch rubber version of Rodin’s “The Kiss.” Framed prints from art exhibits. Old-Timey photos taken by my great-grandfathers, who were photographers in Minnesota and Washington during the turn of the 20th century.
You’ll also find a few well-behaved plants that don’t mind neglect or my talking to them. And the quilted wall hangings I made encourage me to keep creative juices flowing.
Office, Sweet Home Office
Stages of working from home:
Working from home gets lonely, especially for this extrovert. There are many days when I crave human contact. Though I stay connected with people in cyberspace all day, I relish my in-person time with family and friends. Okay, true confessions: I flex my hours during the day to squeeze in exercising or grabbing a cuppa with pals. Oh, and twist my arm for a $5 Tuesday afternoon cinema treat with my Matinee Movie Mavens buddies. ![]()
I also keep connected with life from windows overlooking my neighborhood, despite moments when I’m so into writing that I don’t even hear the doorbell.
I can see what’s going on outside in all kinds of weather. Winter is most fun, watching sledders and drivers maneuver the big hill during our infrequent southern snows. No worries. They stay safe, and I watch to be sure. ![]()
I love having you visit my writerly space! Thanks a ton for stopping by.
What do you enjoy most about your work space or home place when it comes to writing or reading? Please let us know in the comment section. And if you want to join the Station Creation Blog Hop, just post your family-friendly link in the comment section, and we'll give you some blog loving in return.
_More inspiration for your Creation Station......
Please visit these #Gr8blogs to find more inspiration for your writing or reading spots. Auden Johnson, Dark Treasury Corrina Holyoake, Venturing Into the Unknown Julie Gorges, Baby-Boomer Bliss K. Lamb, K. Lamb, Author Leigh,Shearin Leigh Shearin, Writer
Please have a look around. Like what you see?
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3/20/2016 02:26:13 pm
Wonderful! Fabulous vid! Such an eclectic, interesting, cozy space!! Love your quilting blocks!! I was very interesting to learn about coffices! I'd never heard that term before! But makes total sense! Thanks for opening your space to us to see how all that creativity happens!!
3/22/2016 09:22:50 am
Leigh, thanks a ton for visiting my creation station. I hope you'll get back to NC and can see it in person some day. Or maybe we can find a coffice mid-way -:D?
3/21/2016 12:30:14 pm
Oh, if we lived closer, I would take you up on that cup of tea! I am happy to be one of your cyber buddies though. You described the isolation of writing well. Loved your solutions as well as the description of your vintage hutch and inspirational items that bring you "pure joy." Great tips!
3/22/2016 09:24:11 am
Julie, at least we can enjoy a virtual cuppa. So glad you stopped by. I do get lonely sometimes and want to talk to people, though there's lots of conversation going on in my head -:D.
Thanks for sharing your space! I think it's great that you use the maple hutch to store your supplies. I love using Grandpa's old writing desk to store my reference books and supplies.
3/22/2016 09:27:35 am
Kristen, we share the love of repurposing old things. Your Grandpa's writing desk is super-special. I will keep the curtains drawn wide and look for you to return for a virtual Tuesday matinee together -:D.
Auden Johnson
3/21/2016 04:34:13 pm
Your writing space sounds lovely. I love your window. My space gets great light but my view is another building. I need to follow your example and get out of my apartment more.
3/22/2016 09:31:05 am
Creation Stations are our happy places, Auden. You must hear the sounds of the city from yours. Come virtual visit any time, and bring your camera, so you can snap along the greenway -:D.
3/22/2016 08:39:57 am
OMG Cat, how awesome is that vid! I loved this blog, so lovely to see how you work and it has made me want to visit even more now! When I make my millions I am straight over to see this in the flesh he he. Thanks for letting us have a sneak peek into your creative hub.
3/22/2016 09:32:35 am
Aww, your kind words mean a ton, Corrina. Video and blogs are the next best things to being there. Come visit, virtual or otherwise before or after you make your millions.
3/30/2016 09:00:17 am
Delighted you dropped by, Carmela! I love having visitors....such fun sharing with you. Lemon Zinger is on the ready for you any time.
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Cat MichaelsBlogging about books, writing, family life, travel and more good stuff. Meet Cat